ASWB: Grandparenting In Social Work Licensure Harms the Public

To be fair to Dr. Kim, who produced the well-researched keynote, that is not how she frames the issue! I think that her interpretation of the scientific evidence is less plausible than the one I outline below. I will walk you through why Dr. Kim’s analysis proves ASWB’s main talking point–that exams protect the public–isContinue reading “ASWB: Grandparenting In Social Work Licensure Harms the Public”

ASWB hides data from State Social Work Boards that could license thousands of excluded social workers

The debate over social work examinations created by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) has been hampered by the lack of openly available methodology and data checked by neutral third parties. As a result, test-takers, researchers, employers, and social work boards are left with little information on which to gauge the quality of socialContinue reading “ASWB hides data from State Social Work Boards that could license thousands of excluded social workers”

Open for whom? Challenging information privilege in social work

Accepted CSWE 2020 Conference APM presentation proposal, in the Values & Ethics track. A majority of the knowledge produced, shared, and sustained by social work scholarship is inaccessible. Apart from faculty, students, and researchers at well-funded universities in North America and Europe, paywalls, copyright maximalism, and the inheritance of social privilege marginalize the least powerfulContinue reading “Open for whom? Challenging information privilege in social work”

Social Work’s (Very Few) Gold OA Journals

First, let’s define “Gold” Open Access: Gold OA is when the journal makes all articles freely available at the time of publication. In contrast, “Green” OA is allowing a version of the article to be deposited in an institutional or disciplinary repository, often after an embargo period. 12 of 281 I pulled together a listContinue reading “Social Work’s (Very Few) Gold OA Journals”

#BPD2020: Technological engagement as transgression: Social work and digital citizenship

Authors: Matthew DeCarlo (Radford University, @profmattdecarlo) & Kerry Fay Vandergrift (Radford University) Abstract: This presentation will discuss how social work educators can integrate information and new media literacy in the classroom and educate the digitally-engaged change agents of the next decade. Keywords: access to higher education; college access; open educational resources; social work; social work education; textbook cost Presentation Materials:Continue reading “#BPD2020: Technological engagement as transgression: Social work and digital citizenship”

Archiving Policies of Social Work Journals

The table below provides a quick overview of embargoes for post-print archiving; visiting the full policy (via “details”) will further demonstrate a complex set of rules and conditions. Even as a librarian, I am confused by some of the policy language I found (what constitutes a “free public server” to NASW?). And while many publishersContinue reading “Archiving Policies of Social Work Journals”

Running an OA Social Work Journal: Interview with Margaret Adamek

When I was working on my article about paywalls and practitioner access to research, Advances in Social Work (AISW) was always where I planned to submit it. Social work unfortunately does not have a wealth of open access journals, AISW is one of the few. As this project, Open Social Work, is a space forContinue reading “Running an OA Social Work Journal: Interview with Margaret Adamek”

Survey of Social Workers on Information Sources

Recently my collaborator Ericka Kimball, Assistant Professor in the School of Social Work, and I surveyed practicing social workers nationwide regarding EBP or research-informed practice, which information sources they use in practice, and library instruction. The article on this study is forthcoming — in the meantime, I wanted to share some of what we learnedContinue reading “Survey of Social Workers on Information Sources”